Our Mission: Why do we exist?

to be an authentic, worshiping community proclaiming and embodying the gospel of Jesus Christ.[1]

Our Vision: What do we hope to accomplish?

to make growing followers of Jesus[2] who influence others with the gospel for the good of individuals, families, our community, and the world.

How do we plan to accomplish this?

We plan to make growing followers of Jesus who influence others with the gospel by:

  • Regularly Praying for unchurched people
  • Authentically Engaging unchurched people where we live, work, and play
  • Intentionally Bringing unchurched people into friendship with our church
  • Diligently Connecting newcomers into membership and ministry
  • Faithfully Discipling members in a gospel-centered lifestyle[3]

…for the good of individuals and families by equipping:

  • Children and Youth to understand the gospel and embrace a biblical worldview
  • Singles to leverage their missional mobility and to make wise marital decisions
  • Marrieds to showcase the gospel in their relationship and roles
  • Parents to shepherd the hearts of their children

…for the good of our community and the world by:

  • Supporting or initiating ministries and projects that serve people locally and globally in word and deed with justice and mercy
  • Multiplying the Church by partnering with other like-minded churches in a church planting movement that extends through Chesterfield County, the city of Richmond, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • Sending people on short-term mission efforts and through some committing to life-time missionary service. While we proclaim the gospel and plant churches locally we will extend it globally.

[1] We might be described as a mission-fellowship. While we will do many things there are two that are of special emphasis: authentic community and bold confidence in the gospel as we share it with our friends and neighbors. We see the confluence of these two things in scripture. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 says, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” As we proclaim and embody the gospel with our neighbors it has a transforming effect on both Christians and non-Christians.

[2] A growing follower of Jesus is someone for whom the gospel is transforming the life-changing the way he or she thinks (mind), feels (emotions), and acts (will). He or she is motivated by the love of Jesus to live under the direction of the Bible and by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

[3] This includes teaching spiritual disciplines, developing biblical convictions, training to share their faith, discovering spiritual gifts, mobilizing people for ministry, and developing leaders who will reproduce other leaders.

Where will we experience this?

While God works in all kinds of ways and places our focus will be on three places or environments in which we think we can best help people be growing followers of Jesus.

Sunday Morning

Gathering together for worship displays our unity and diversity. We strive to be authentic and relevant, but we do not pretend to have it all together or feel the need to put on a show. Rather we bring our burdens to God and expect to find rest in him. So whether you are skeptical or seeking, curious or convinced we invite you to join us.

Our Spring Run Kids + Youth program is a fun time for teaching kids to understand the gospel and live for Jesus. Our Adult Faith & Life classes are designed to deepen faith and address practical life issues.

Small Groups

Our main forum for small groups is a “Community Group” which is a gathering of 8 to 15 people (often including their kids) meeting in homes throughout our community at various times during the week. Other small groups include Men’s and Women’s Groups. We think it is in the context of an authentic community that people come to better know God and experience his presence, deep friendships are fostered, and people are cared for and encouraged to follow God and influence others. This is an environment where people who are not ‘churchy’ often find their way into our church.


Part of being the church is serving others in love. We think this is important as it counters the dominant cultural mindset (“me first” and consumerism). It is the call Jesus gave us to “take up our cross daily and follow” him. We don’t want you to serve blindly, but to serve using your gifts and talents from God. However, we often discover what these talents are as we serve through various opportunities. Please volunteer for one of the ministry teams in our church.

While we want you to serve in the church, we do not want you to be so busy that you are not involved with your neighbors. We are not a church just for ourselves; rather we are a church in the community for the community. So we want you to serve in various ways to transform culture whether it is by coaching sports teams, helping at the local school, influencing the art and media of the community, or caring for the poor.

Our Values: What shapes our worship, life, & ministry? 


Truth and Meaning

The truth sets us free and gives meaning to life. The Bible is more than a guidebook. It is the truth and is as relevant today as it was millennia ago. Rather than clinging to things in this life for our security and significance, we should relinquish them and find our ultimate satisfaction in God.

Gospel Centrality

“It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16). The gospel is the central message of the Bible. It is the story of man’s rebellion and God’s redemption; that sinners are forgiven and acceptable to God solely because of the completed work of Jesus Christ. The gospel produces change in the way we live. Therefore, it is central to everything we think (mind), feel (emotions), and do (will).


In our worship and community life. As we worship we are not putting on a show. Nor do we need to pretend we have it all together. Rather we bring our burdens to worship and expect to find rest in God. As we interact in community groups we are open and honest about our struggles, sins, and weaknesses. Since we know our own need for God’s grace, we welcome those seeking spiritual things and those who are skeptical.

Transformed Lives

Being forgiven gives us the freedom to passionately pursue life the way God intended. A changed life gives us the opportunity to dialogue with others about Jesus. It’s not about doing better or being nicer. It’s about being a new person and having a whole new object of worship. This change doesn’t normally occur in isolation, but through the word of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the fellowship of believers. The gospel changes everything. It transforms our lives individually, builds up families, breaks down walls of separation, and benefits the community.

Church Multiplication

The church is both the result and agent of proclaiming the gospel. Continually beginning new churches is the best way to advance the Kingdom of God and restrain the tide of sin and suffering. Therefore, we take risks for the kingdom and explore various ways of beginning new churches most effectively remembering that when we are weak then we are strong.

Cultural Renewal

Jesus did not simply establish a church, but a Kingdom. This Kingdom is not against the culture, nor does it condone wrong. It is a Kingdom that is redeeming and renewing our entire culture. Every sphere of life should bring honor to God. Following Jesus’ example requires us to go to our community and interact with them where they are rather than expecting them to come to us. To affect cultural renewal it will require us to be leaders and influencers within organizational structures in the community. It will require that we set examples in promoting justice and in showing mercy to those in need.

Dependent Prayer

The importance of prayer is fundamental, not supplemental. We could never accomplish our plans on our own strength (Psalm 90:17). If God is not in it then we labor in vain. So prayer filters through each of our three environments (Sunday Worship, Small Groups, Serving).

Participatory Worship

Our worship style aims to be a reverent yet relaxed environment of passionate and participatory worship. It could be called “ancient-modern” worship. It will draw from our rich historical tradition of hymns and creeds. It will also incorporate the best of hymns and scriptural songs arising in the present day. Our musical style is modern and eclectic, incorporating the various gifts of our people.

SRPC is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America