
Spring Run Kids Sunday School Program is for ages 4-5th grade. We strive to equip our teachers in three ways:
1) By encouraging them in the gospel and making sure their teaching is saturated in every way by the good news of Jesus Christ.
2) By giving them access to excellent resources and curriculum.
3) By providing them with support and encouragement in their daily lives.

Kids programming is an important time for your child to grow in their Bible knowledge, gospel understanding, and can help them shape their faith through learning more about Jesus.

We are currently using The Gospel Project (TGP) which is Christ-centered, chronological, doctrinally sound, spiritually nourishing, and interactive curriculum. This curriculum is a weekly bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. TGP unites the big story and big truths of Scripture for kids as they trace the storyline of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. TGP is grounded in a Reformed perspective and solid pedagogy.

Kids will attend Sunday School with same-age peers for a time filled with engaging activities, games, and bible stories presented through age-appropriate lessons that help children apply what they have learned to their lives.

For safety and security reasons, we ask that each child checks in via one of our check-in carts. You will find check-in stations near our patio entrance, the entrance to the Children’s and Youth wing, and in the nursery for families utilizing the nursery.


Our student Sunday School classes seek to develop Middle and High School students with a robust understanding of what it means to be a Christian and how to grow deeper in Christ. Our goal is to teach students how to study the Bible, understand Christian theology, and communicate their faith effectively to other believers and non-believers. Sunday School is intended to be an interactive teaching environment rather than a lecture.

Youth Sunday School classes consistently cycle through the Old Testament, New Testament, and topical/systematic studies.

Our classes are divided into a Middle School girl’s class (meets in balcony room 201), a Middle School boy’s class (meets in room 102), and a combined boys and girls High School class (meets in balcony room 202). These classes meet from 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM on Sundays directly after the worship service.


Faith & Life Class is the name we give our adult Sunday School time. The purpose of our F&L class is to educate adults on how their faith intersects with life. This will be done by studying the Scriptures and applying the gospel of grace to our daily lives. 

For a full listing of current classes for all ages, visit: